Coding: A Guide for Parents (2022 Edition) | Brick Works Academy

If you're a parent then there's a good chance you'll be looking for ways to get your kids interested in a few different activities that provide life skills.

It's important in today's world that kids try a variety of sports, hobbies and fun activities to expand their interests because unless they try, they won't know what they like.

The perfect example for trying something new is coding. If your kids already love video games, learning how those games are made and making their own basic games is what they learn with coding!

In this blog, we'll give you some tips on how to get your kids interested in coding and the skills they can learn while having fun.

What is Coding?

Coding is a process of telling a computer what to do by using a specific set of instructions written in what is called 'code'. Just like spoken language, code can be used to communicate with others. In the coding world, this other person is a computer.

When we write code, we're giving instructions to the computer on how it should behave. We can make our lives easier by writing code that tells the computer what to do instead of doing everything ourselves. For example, if you want your website's visitors to be able to sign up for your email list, you can use coding to create a form and manage all the submissions yourself – or you could have someone else write the code for you that will automatically add new subscribers to your

Learning About Coding Can Be Fun

One of the best things about coding is that kids can start learning at a young age and it's really fun for them! With games, puzzles and activities designed specifically for children, they'll be able to learn the basics while playing.

There are many different websites and programs where your kids can learn what coding is in an interactive and fun way. Many Interactive Coding Websites

One of the best ways to get kids coding is by providing them with a range of different activities that can keep their attention. If you're looking for websites that will do just that, take a look at some of these coding websites for kids!:

Scratch: A programming language created by MIT which allows users to create interactive stories, games and animations.

Code Academy: One of the most popular online courses teaching people how to code, it offers exercises and quizzes in various programming languages.

Tynker: With over 50 million users, this website provides puzzles, challenges and games for children to learn how to code while having fun.

It's important that when your child is using one of these websites or any website for that matter, you are there to help them. If they get stuck on something, don't be afraid to ask a friend or family member for help. That's what they're there for!

Coding Can Lead To Jobs In The Future

While learning how to code is important and can provide your children with essential life skills, it can also lead to great jobs in the future.

With technology becoming more and more important in our society, the demand for people who know how to code is rising.

Many new school curriculums include coding classes that are required for students to take. The benefit of your kids learning now is they can be ahead when they start learning about this in school and be able to help their fellow classmates if they get stuck.

Coding Teaches Many Skills

In addition to learning how to write code, it also teaches them many additional skills that are great for many other aspects of their life. These skills include:

Problem-solving: This is one of the most important skills that coding teaches. Kids learn how to break down a problem, find a solution and then code it into a program.

Critical thinking: Coding also helps kids develop their critical thinking skills as they need to think about how to solve problems in different ways.

Creativity: With coding, kids are able to be creative and come up with their own ideas for games, websites and more.

Teamwork: Coding is a great way for kids to learn how to work together as they need to communicate with each other in order to create programs or solve problems.

As you can see, there are many benefits for your kids when it comes to learning how to code.

Brick Works Video Game Design Camp Teaches Coding in an Exciting and Fun Way

At Brick Works, we teach kids how to code in a fun and exciting way through our video game design camps. We believe that it's important for kids to learn about coding at a young age and have created a program that is both educational and engaging.

Our camps are offered this upcoming summer so be sure to visit our camps page to learn more details.

Your child will be able to create their own video games while learning essential coding skills that they can use in the future.

We hope this simple guide gives you a great look at what coding can give your child and they can have fun learning about it too.

