Our commitment on accessibility
Key principles
Our policy is based on:
respect for the dignity and independence of people with disabilities
equal opportunity for people with disabilities to access, use and benefit from our services or programs with the same quality and timeliness that others receive
Laws and rules
The standards and rules on providing accessible customer service are set out in the:
Accessibility Standards for Customer Service (Ontario Regulation 429/07)
Integrated Accessibility Standards (Ontario Regulation 191-11)
Employee training
Our staff are trained in how to provide accessible customer service and on the requirements of our accessibility policies.
Information and Communication
When communicating or providing information or services to a person with a disability, we will do so in a manner that takes the person’s disability into account.
Accessible Formats and Communications Supports
If a person with a disability needs an accessible format, or help to communicate with us, we will work with the person to provide the format or support that will meet their needs — at no additional cost to them.
If we are not able to meet the person’s particular requirement in a reasonable timeframe, we will inform them and will work with them to determine an alternate method or will provide a summary of the information.
Accessible Websites and Web Content
Our internet websites and web content controlled by Brick Works Academy, will conform to the World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0
Feedback Process
We will inform our customers of the choices available for them to give feedback.
Feedback may be provided:
in person
by telephone
in writing
by email or
by any other communication technology as required
If customers with disabilities would prefer to give their feedback, and receive a response to it, using an alternate method than the one offered, they may request it.
Service Disruption
If there is a problem with facilities, equipment or services that people with disabilities rely on, we will provide notice to the public.
The way we provide the notice will be determined by the nature of the problem.
We will always try to make alternative arrangements to provide service where possible.
Assistive Devices
People with disabilities may use their own personal assistive devices.
Service Animals
People with disabilities may use their service animal in all parts of our premises that are open to the public, unless the animal is excluded by law, such as in food preparation areas.
In this case, we will ensure that appropriate alternative arrangements are made to ensure that the person can access the service.
Support Persons
People with disabilities can access their disability-related support person while using our services.
Support persons joining students are required to bring a police record check for our files.
If you have any difficulty accessing any of our content please contact david@brickworksacademy.com to discuss accessibility options where we may help you and your children.
Wheel Chair access
To the best of our knowledge, the host sites are wheelchair accessible.
We try to rent fully accessible sites wherever possible.
Special Needs Students
Children with Special Needs can excel at camp when in the right setting and with the right support.
Please note Brick Works Academy summer camps host many children per week at each facility, This can result in a loud busy environment. If you have concerns regarding your child's sensory sensitivies please feel free to contact david@brickworksacademy.com to inquire about the specific facility and theme you are considering for more details. Some facilities have individual classrooms while others have multiple smaller camps sharing a larger common space. Most locations share a common drop off location before camps begin and after camps end. (the time before 9am and after 4pm can be the least structured times and may pose the most difficult for some students - you may wish to plan your drop off and pick up accordingly)
Brick Works Academy wants all our students to be successful and recognizes that one size doesn't fit all. To address the needs of as many students as possible we have initiated two programs.
Kidsability - Firefly
For students who have special needs and may require a smaller class room environment of approximately 6 students with more adult 1:1 support we have teamed up with Firefly Therapy Services, offered at KidsAbility’s Waterloo site, Jr. Robotics and Minecraft classes. These classes will be offered and administered by Firefly’s team at 500 Hallmark Drive, in Waterloo. Brick Works Academy supports their team of specialized staff in areas of curriculum and learning objectives for each camp. Please contact Amanda Griffin at Firefly to apply for a spot in the Firefly Brick Works Academy sessions.
Personal Care Workers
In addition to the above exciting program with Firefly, we are also working with parents of high-functioning students who may need additional assistance to attend our regular programs. In these cases, parents will be permitted to make arrangements to supply their own personal care worker / support person for their child. Modified hours may also be arranged where a parent is supplying a care worker. Care workers must supply a vulnerable persons police check. Care worker must take full responsibliity for the care of and supervision of the partipant. If your child has a suport person at school they will likely benefit from you providing one for camp. This will give them the best chance at success in camp.
NOTE: Please be aware that Minecraft is used in a social context with 30 students sharing a common virtual environment. If your child is unable to handle the constraints of working in a virtual collaborative environment sharing the building process and being accepting when things do not go as planned, they may need to work in the Minecraft single player environments. An interest in Minecraft does not guarantee success in the class.
Lego Robotics are used in groups of 2 children. Students will need to share the resources with a partner and be respective of their partner.
Student Expectations to participate
Children need to be able to perform at the age level of the camp they are applying to attend.
Children need to be respectful to their teachers, equipment and other students.
Violence, coarse language, or failure to work with others under the class rules as set out in the code of conduct will result in expulsion from the program without refund.
Guelph residents can apply for funding to supply a support worker to assist your child. Visit CMHA Waterloo Wellington Dufferin Kids in Camp program at http://www.cmhaww.ca/skic
Extend A Family Waterloo Region Extend-A-Family Waterloo Region is committed to working side by side with families and the community to promote inclusion and serve people with developmental and/or physical disabilities.
Our staff are trained in first aid. There are limits to what a first aid trained person is permitted to do related to medication. They can assist with the preparation of an inhaler or assist with the administration of an epi-pen. Administering medication outside of this is not permitted. You are welcome to visit the camp during meal times to administer medications to your child or if your child is old enough to take their own medication they can do so as long as you pack only the days amount in the original prescription bottle with proper labels and preferably with a doctors written instructions. In cases of emergency medications staff will call 911 and first responders will assess and administer medications accordingly.
Violence or Destructive behaviour
Children prone to violence or destructive behaviour unfortunately are not eligible for camp even with these accommodations due to the very high equipment cost associated with the classes. Thank you for your understanding. Parents will be held responsible for any equipment or location damage and billed accordingly. Students found to be violent or destructive will be asked to leave without refund.
All students must be able to perform to the age level of the class they are registered and stay with the group.