
YouTube Video Producer


Master Video production, shooting and editing with the latest in digital tools. Video communication is becoming as important as reading and writing. Improve your communication and presentation skills this summer by telling stories through video. Filming, editing, music production, planning. Each student will use a mobile video production system and master the skills needed to produce a youtube channel.

Please bring a pair of headphones for your week of camp.

Parents: This camp is a great way to introduce your kids to digital creative tools, exercise their imaginations, and bring story-telling to life. Videos students create will not be uploaded to Youtube at camp. Students can take them home on a usb thumb drive to upload with their parents permission.

This camp is for ages 8 to 13.


Locations, Dates, Times:

Cambridge / Kitchener/ Waterloo camps will be held at

  • 50 Erb St. W., Waterloo, ON

  • 400 Northfield Dr W, Waterloo, ON

Guelph  camps will be held at

  • 7654 Conservation Rd, Guelph, ON
    (week 1, 3, 4, 7, 8)

Hamilton  camps will be held at 

  • 299 Fennell Avenue West, ON

London camps will be held at 

  • 695 Riverside Dr, London, ON

North York camps will be held at

  • 49 Bogert Ave, North York

Toronto  camps will be held at

  • West: 85 The Kingsway, Etobicoke, ON

  • West: 432 Runnymede Rd, Toronto, ON


All our students spend at minimum 1 hour outdoors every day, weather and location permitting. We visit local parks for some outdoor recreation time. Students can play a variety of free play activities or just enjoy the outdoors under a tree.


We are very fortunate to have some very enthusiastic Ministry of Education certified teachers and ECEs helping us run our program. Providing expert classroom management.

All staff have completed Emergency First Aid certification which includes the use of an Epi-pen.

Staff and volunteers have been screened by police records checks.


Each camper will get one Academy T-shirt with their weekly registration. We ask the children to wear one of our shirts each day to help keep the group together on park outings.  Additional shirts are available for order upon registration.


Please see our cancelation and transfer policy by clicking here.


For the safety of all participants, disruptive behaviour or bullying will not be permitted at Brick Works Academy. Students are required to follow the code of conduct to participate click here to review. Staff reserves the right to ask parents to remove disruptive students for part of or the remainder of the summer. Refunds are not available to those who have disrupted the program and been asked to leave.

Brick Works Academy and its staff are not responsible for any valuables or belongings brought to a workshop or camp by the student or parent.  

Physical goods are nonrefundable as they are custom ordered. 

Special Needs Students

Parents of special needs children please investigate our support options as we do not have the staff to provide 1:1 support, however, if this is needed we are happy to work with your support worker.  click here


Brick Works Academy cannot perform medical tests or administer medications. All medications should be taken before or after the camp hours. If you need to administer medications in the middle of the day, please make arrangements with the onsite manager to meet them at an appropriate time and show photo I.D. prior to administering your child's medication. 

Children requiring puffers, insulin or epi-pens may bring their medication and self administer. These items should be kept on the child at all times during the day. Epi-pens should be worn in a fanny pack. Staff are trained in first aid assistance for emergency delivery of epi-pens

other info

Fee does not include lunch.

Sorry, robots and lego don't get to go home. The lego sets used in camp are very expensive exceeding the cost of the week's registration.

“Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.” 

― Albert Einstein

